Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day & More!!!

Mila got to experience her first ever St. Patrick's Day Parade in Lawrence! I have such fond memories of watching Lawrence parades while I was growing up, I cannot wait for Mila to experience them as well! Although it was smack dab in the middle of nap time, we survived and she really seemed to enjoy watching all of the floats and people course. Such a fun and beautiful day!

Mila's first St. Patrick's Day Parade! She loved it (really) although
Aunty Alessa and I look like we are having way more fun.

Mila with her Grandparents. Love this photo!

Mila and Daddy ..she is getting her first tooth! 

Peeking in the windows at her grandparent's and Daddy having lunch

Spring err SUMMER came early this year!

Beautiful baby girl

We had to lower Miss Mila's crib already!

Mila with Whitney and Ansel (Whitney's nephew born on 9/7/11)!

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