Sunday, March 4, 2012

Trip to AZ!

Mila finally met Auntie Jaclyn in AZ!!
These pictures are long overdue but here are some favorites from our trip to AZ! My mom, Mila and I went to Scottsdale for a few days to visit friends and SHOP of course. Mila did great for the most part! Sleep was not a big part of the week but we made it through:) Such a good baby! Here is a video of how she spent most of her time on the airplane.

Such a good Aunty!

Mila and Eric

with Heidi

Had such a fun time with Grandma!

Lunch time!

HAPPY Valentine's Day!!!

Mila loves her Baby Bjorn! 
My happy little snuggle bug :)

All dressed up for a night on the town in Scottsdale

Pretty Girl 

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