Sunday, March 11, 2012

6 Months Old!!!

Our beautiful baby girl is 6 MONTHS OLD! This is such a fun age! She has turned in to such a happy, smiley, always active and talkative girl. So far this month Mila has been....

sitting (very wobbly still)
getting up in crawl position but no crawls yet
rolling all over the place
her first tooth is poking through!
sleeping through the night (life is good)
eating cereal & oatmeal, carrots, squash, peas, prunes & bananas (so far she loves everything)
taking 3 naps a day
riding in her car seat without screaming for 30 minutes straight ( is good :)

Mila is so very active and loves her exersaucer and just rolling around on the floor. She is becoming more and more talkative every day and squeals with delight when she sees mom and dad and other family members. Her favorite toys are bowls and cups from the kitchen and my old Clean & Clear facial cleanser bottle (ohhh Mila). She LOVES drinking from a bottle and I dare anyone to come over to our house and try to take it from her hands while she is drinking (she is one strong baby girl). We have had fun comparing old photos of Mila with more recent ones - my how she has changed!

First Newborn Pic!

One Month!

6 Months!

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