Friday, April 6, 2012

6 Month Updates and More!

ROCK CHALK!!!! Mila's first FINAL FOUR!

Mila had her 6 month appointment ( a little late) and all is well!

Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz; 27th percentile
Height: 25.5 inches; 28th percentile
Head Circ: 16.5 inches; 25th percentile

This month has definitely brought about the most changes in our little Mila. She started crawling and hasn't looked back since - the other morning I walked into her standing against the railing in her crib (OH MY)! Patrick and I have been scrambling to make our little apartment baby-friendly. It's amazing what she gets into - the other morning I loaded laundry and before I could count to 5 she had found the cat food!!! She is a wild woman! Her personality develops more and more every day and I'm already nervous for her teen years. She is a firecracker. Mila LOVES food and we haven't found much that she doesn't like - pears, spinach & avocado are some least favorites. She likes peas (surprisingly), sweet potato, squash, banana and blueberry. Mila loves making new sounds - "mamamama," and "bababababa," and even screams and growls! I swear a new sound comes out of that girl every day! Here are some fun videos/photos from the past couple of weeks. 

We brought Mila to Johnny's West for a little pre-game (and pre-bedtime) cheering!!

NO NAPS: too excited about the KU game!

Hazy shot with the girls!: Auntie Whitney & Auntie Mary

Mila loves to..ummm...GROWL :)


All dressed up for cousin, Ruby's birthday party!!

Enjoying 80 degree weather!!

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