Wednesday, May 18, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

Well folks, as most of you already know, Patrick and I have made the decision to move back to Kansas! We want nothing more for our Baby K than for him to grow up surrounded by family and friends in the place we have always called home (and the built-in babysitters won't hurt :) We love Phoenix and will miss our friends/jobs here dearly but feel this is the best decision for our growing family.  Official moving day is June 1st. If all goes according to plan, we will be rolling into Kansas on June 3rd with a Uhaul full of furniture, one drugged up kitty and a baby bump. A big THANK YOU goes out to my parents who will be welcoming us into their home this summer. Yes, the Fritzel household is going to be a full one this June and July with Cindy+Tim, Pat+Molly, Ruby+Tyson & Becca+Patrick (Kylie - do you want me to just go ahead and add your name to the list? I know you won't be able to stay away)! It's a comical situation really and I CANNOT WAIT!

Starting to get really excited/nervous/anxious!! We have a lot of packing up and organizing left to do but both Patrick and I will be taking one glorious week off of work (starting this Friday yay) so let the moving begin! We have also planned a last minute trip to see the Grand Canyon and I am heading to Kansas this weekend for 48 hours to see little sister Kylie graduate from KU!!! Woohoo!

Baby Shower!!
My coworkers here at FireSky Resort in Scottsdale threw me a surprise Baby Shower/Goodbye Party at work this week! It is going to be so bittersweet leaving as I only started my job a little over 6 months ago and have loved every minute of it. Here are some pics of the surprise was perfect! Sorry they did not turn out well as I didn't even have my phone or camera (it was a true surprise)! they had me going that a big client was checking in for a site visit so I was scrambling around trying to check site rooms/meeting space only to find the whole gang waiting for me in one of our suites with cake, pregnancy champagne (non-alcoholic of course) adorable decorations and gifts! It was a wonderful celebration!

 Lynn+Me+Jaclyn..yes, I work with my best friend, Jaclyn. It's going to be really hard to leave!!!

 Adorable decorations Tory made for the party. They say "There's No Place Like Home"

 Red Velvet Cake from "Nothing Bundt Cakes"=one of the reasons we rented a 16' truck for moving day so I can take this bakery back to Kansas with us.

Cake and Baby K presents!! Such a sweet surprise!!

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