Tuesday, May 10, 2011

23 Weeks!

I am a little over 23 weeks pregnant and it has probably been the most enjoyable time of my pregnancy so far!  Baby K is moving so frequently and Patrick can even feel him on a pretty regular basis. He loves to squirm for us right before bed and when I am sitting in front of my computer at work. I find myself missing it when he is not moving. I am feeling really good with lots of energy and am definitely showing but no real back pain or swelling yet (thank goodness - please hold off)!  Here is my official 23 week pic taken at work:) Had to inves in some maternity pants and I must say.. I LOVE them. I don't think I will every go back. I feel like every day is pajama day!

Baby K weights a little over 1 POUND and is the size of a MANGO/PAPAYA/BANANA (take your pick)! His sense of movement is developing and he can hear sounds from the ouside world. The tiny blood vessels in his lungs are growing, preparing him for his first breaths and his face is almost fully formed (minus the fat). Next doctor's appointment is in about 2 weeks. I get tested for Gestational Diabetes and but not another sonogram until mid-June.

Here are my first ever "Mom to Be" Mother's Day Flowers from my wonderful husband! Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother's/grandmother's/aunts/sisters/etc!!

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