Monday, May 2, 2011

Sisterly Bonding in LA

My sister Kylie and I decided to jet set to L.A. this past Easter weekend for a little girl's getaway. We had both never been and were lucky enough to rub elbows with a few of our favorite celebs. Any Modern Family fans out there? We rode in an elevator with "Mitchell' from Modern Family and got an awesome back shot of him obviously not wanting to be seen:

We also spotted David Cook being interviewed by Entertainment Tonight and ate dinner right across from Jessica Alba who is, by the way, about as far along in her pregnancy as I am! No pictures as we were in a darkly lit restaurant and we felt bad disturbing her. 

We did all of the cheesey tourist stuff including riding on the top level of a double decker bus down Hollywood Blvd. and fighting through a crowd of about 90 tourists for a picture with the Michael Jackson star on the Walk of Fame. Overall a pretty great trip at 5 months pregnant!!

 It's funny in some photos I look sooo pregnant while in others..not so much. I think this picture was taken after we ate our way through the Farmer's Market at the Grove....

 Judy Garland's handprints in celebration of KANSAS

Kodak Theater!

 Sistah Love! We missed you Sistah # 3 (Molly :))

Easter on Rodeo Drive

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