Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Goodbye, Scottsdale..Hello, Kansas!

We made it to Kansas safe and sound! After two days and 21 hours of driving we are happy to be here and are finally getting settled into the new Fritzel/Koester household with our 6 new roommates :)Sorry I have not updated the blog in awhile..our computer has been packed up and life has been a bit hectic to say the least.

All is well in baby news.  My final doctor's appointment in Scottsdale went great. I had my Gestational Diabetes test which came back normal and baby's heart beat is strong and he is moving all the time (although the movements are becoming a little bit less pronounced as he grows bigger and has less and less space in my belly). It is fun to guess where his head/arms/legs are though as it becomes easier to distinguish one from another. We also already had our first Lawrence doctor's appointment and met with the nurse practitioner, picked our doctor, etc. So far all is going well and the transitions have been seamless! I am officially 27 weeks pregnant, in my 3rd trimester. A lot of my 3rd trimester symptoms have been the same as my 2nd trimester symptoms aside from some crazy leg pains and Restless Leg Syndrome which hit me like a ton of bricks this week and has made sleeping very difficult (I know Patrick will agree as I have been fidgeting and squirming all the time). Aside from these minor setbacks, pregnancy is wonderful, especially surrounded by our Kansas family and friends and we are feeling so blessed!

Here are some photos from some of our May adventures..it was a busy month! More to come as soon as I locate our camera cord in one of our boxes......:)

 25 Weeks Pregnant at the Grand Canyon! It was breathtaking. I cannot wait to go back when I can hike and raft!

 Last golf trip in Arizona: Payson, AZ at The Rim

Jaclyn and I "golfing" or....driving the cart and tanning

Kylie at her KU Graduation! Congrats, sister! So happy I could make it!

I'll leave you with a photo of Lola on her first ever 21 hour road trip.  She did not love it but did better than we expected and is very happy that Kansas has not shortage of grass and bugs.

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