Friday, June 24, 2011

30 Weeks Pregnant!

I am 30 weeks pregnant today and........

                               WAIT FOR IT......

Baby K is the size of a head of cabbage!

Aside from having a BUSY week and being kind of exhausted, I am feeling really good! I do feel like Baby K has had a growth spurt in the past two weeks (yes people, it is possible to gain 7 lbs. in 1.5 weeks). He has been moving so much. Patrick and I have enjoyed watching my belly move around from the outside and transform as he changes positions, kicks and squirms. It's absolutely incredible and I cannot wait for our next ultrasound so we can see what position he is in. When our doctor was listenening to the heartbeat this week she couldn't even figure out which way he was lying as she said she felt limbs everywhere and he was squirming non stop. Baby K is an active one!

We met our Lawrence Doctor, Dr. Mercado on Tuesday and absolutely adore her! It was a sigh of relief for both Patrick and I as we were really sad to leave our Scottsdale doctor who made 1st and 2nd trimester a breeze. Dr. Mercado is great though and she said all is looking well with Baby K. My belly size is measuring right at 29/30 weeks and his heart beat is perfect in the 140s. We will have our first ultrasound in a loong time on Tuesday the 5th..yay! Pictures coming soon hopefully!

Patrick and I are feeling more settled in Kansas. We have both started working...alot...and Child Birth/Care Classes started at LMH this week. On Wednesday we had our first of five child birth classes with about 15 other couples who are all having babies in September or August (potential new friends for Baby K and us :)! On Thursday, I roped my parents (Grandma & Grandpa) and Aunt Kylie into attending an Infant CPR class with me.  They were such troopers! If, God forbid, we ever had to help a choking infant, we all now know how to give CPR. We also now know how to properly install a car seat, baby proof a house, etc. etc. Baby K truly has the best and most prepared grandparents/aunts ever!

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