Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Photo Shoot

We finally had our long awaited first ultrasound!!! Everything went perfectly and it was such a special and  remarkable day. Words cannot express seeing our baby for the first time.  The ultrasound technician and doctor said he looks good and is growing right on track. We even saw his lips, nostrils and chin which is pretty rare this early in the pregnancy. We got to sit and watch him for about 10 minutes while the technician took photos and measurements and it was so strange to see him squirm around and then settle down for a nap! Here are photos of our Baby K at 17 weeks and about 3 days. Oh and the technician knew the gender immediately but, of course, we have requested to be surprised! Also, my due date has officially been pushed back a few days to September 6, 2011!

Here is a face shot! Baby K is looking a little bit like skeletor but doesn't have a lot of fat this early in the game.

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