Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Friday and Happy 16 Weeks

Officially 16 weeks today and feeling AWESOME but eating a ton. I still don't have a noticeable baby bump but I have officially retired all but one pair of my work pants which means I'm limited to dresses from here on out :)  It's a good thing I live in a city that averages 80+ degreees from March - October. Dresses are a must.

Here is a photo of me (yes, that I awkwardly took myself before heading to work) at a little over 15 weeks. Apologies in advance for the possessed look on my face!

Because we don't know Baby K's gender and are not finding out the gender we asked our doctor if there is a "correct" way to refer to him or her. Doctor Moon says...before knowing the gender, babies should be referred to as "he." So...from here until birth, I will refer to Baby K as a "he." And, just for anyone wondering, I am convinced Baby K is an actual "he" while Patrick has a strong feeling he is a she! Ha! How's that for confusing?! Regardless of gender, Baby K is going to begin growing rapidly in the next few weeks. Infact, he will DOUBLE in size and add inches in length (he is about the size of an avocado now). His facial features - eyes and ears - will begin moving to their final positions on the face and his little heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood a day! We love him so much!
First sonogram is two weeks away..let the countdown begin.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, you look beautiful and we are so excited for you and Baby K, he or she!!
