Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet Baby Koester: Week 37!

Finally some face shots (sort of) of our sweet Baby K! He was still hiding behind his arms for a good portion of the ultrasound but we were able to see his face a little bit and we are in LOVE!  He was squirming and making all kinds of faces and getting into strange positions. He even had his foot up by his nose at one point!

The technician thinks he weighs around 6 lbs 7 oz (still in the 30th percentile for weight at the 37 week mark).  He has a small head for his size (phew), a normal sized torso and small legs. Also, still picking up lots of hair on the ultrasound! Everything looks normal and right on schedule for an early September due date. At my Monday appointment, the doctor confirmed that I am not dialated and baby has not "dropped" so it seems he might hold off for awhile at least! We will keep you posted!

He has Patrick's cheeks and nose!

Covering his sweet little eyes.

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