Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello, Due Date....Goodbye, Due Date!

Due date has come and gone and Baby K is still hanging in there! Officially 3 days overdue and although labor on Labor Day would have been seems as though he's going to stay nice and cozy inside of me for a little bit longer. If labor does not happen naturally this week, Patrick and I will be admitted to the hospital on Thursday the 8th at 7:30pm to be induced! Although I've always wanted to go into labor naturally, the doctor thinks this is the smartest/safest decision. Sooo I have been walking every day, eating lots of spicy foods and pineapple in the hopes that Baby K will make an appearance sooner rather than later.

But, if not before, we will meet Baby K on the 8th or 9th of September - let the countdown begin! We are so excited to finally see our little boy OR girl that we have loved so much these past 9 months.

40 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant!

Just the girls at Tyson's Baptism!

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