Wednesday, August 3, 2011

35 Weeks Pregnant and 114 Degrees in Kansas......

Let the almost one month  countdown begin..I am officially 35 weeks pregnant! Here is a photo of me from last week (my official 35 week mark was this past Friday). Starting to feel a little more "pregnant." Which could just be due to the extreme heat wave in the midwest this month. Holy 114 degrees plus humidity! I thought we moved from Phoenix to escape this?! My hands are so swollen I swear I haven't had feeling in my fingers for 7 days or longer. NO FUN. Other then some intense carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands and slightly swollen feet, symptoms still haven't been too too bad (knock on wood). I do have the pregancy waddle down pretty well though.

We don't have another doctor's appointment until later this week but Baby K should weight in at about 5 1/4 pounds this week and be around the size of a honeydew. Nursery pictures coming soon..still so much to do!!

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