Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Photo Shoot

We finally had our long awaited first ultrasound!!! Everything went perfectly and it was such a special and  remarkable day. Words cannot express seeing our baby for the first time.  The ultrasound technician and doctor said he looks good and is growing right on track. We even saw his lips, nostrils and chin which is pretty rare this early in the pregnancy. We got to sit and watch him for about 10 minutes while the technician took photos and measurements and it was so strange to see him squirm around and then settle down for a nap! Here are photos of our Baby K at 17 weeks and about 3 days. Oh and the technician knew the gender immediately but, of course, we have requested to be surprised! Also, my due date has officially been pushed back a few days to September 6, 2011!

Here is a face shot! Baby K is looking a little bit like skeletor but doesn't have a lot of fat this early in the game.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We have been trying to sneak away as much as possible to see some things in and around Phoenix before baby!  Here are some pictures from our day trip to Jerome, AZ. An adorable mining town, that was once a ghost town, in northern Arizona. We had a wonderful time shopping, eating, hiking, eating, scenic driving and did I mention eating? Jerome is known for its wineries and its haunted hotel so we hope to come back some time to experience both.

The pictures don't do it justice but the views were incredible!

We visited the world's largest (and maybe only) kaleidescope shop! If you look closely you can see us in the center of this photo.   

 1,000 year-old ruins just outside of Camp Verde, AZ! Amazing! - Monteczuma Castle

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Friday and Happy 16 Weeks

Officially 16 weeks today and feeling AWESOME but eating a ton. I still don't have a noticeable baby bump but I have officially retired all but one pair of my work pants which means I'm limited to dresses from here on out :)  It's a good thing I live in a city that averages 80+ degreees from March - October. Dresses are a must.

Here is a photo of me (yes, that I awkwardly took myself before heading to work) at a little over 15 weeks. Apologies in advance for the possessed look on my face!

Because we don't know Baby K's gender and are not finding out the gender we asked our doctor if there is a "correct" way to refer to him or her. Doctor Moon says...before knowing the gender, babies should be referred to as "he." So...from here until birth, I will refer to Baby K as a "he." And, just for anyone wondering, I am convinced Baby K is an actual "he" while Patrick has a strong feeling he is a she! Ha! How's that for confusing?! Regardless of gender, Baby K is going to begin growing rapidly in the next few weeks. Infact, he will DOUBLE in size and add inches in length (he is about the size of an avocado now). His facial features - eyes and ears - will begin moving to their final positions on the face and his little heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood a day! We love him so much!
First sonogram is two weeks away..let the countdown begin.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ruby!

A very happy birthday to our beautiful neice Ruby Maya who turned ONE on March 11th!  Below is a picture of her at her Ruby Red Birthday Bash! Sad we couldn't make it but we were definitely celebrating from afar.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March fun!

Highlight of the Renaissance Festival: Turkey Legs
The whole gang! Jeremy, Jacly, Becca, Patrick & Baby K
The Royal Family.....
More Spring Training Fun! It's 80 and sunny in Phoenix so come on down!

In Baby K news, our doctor's appointment was supposed to be on Wednesday of this week but our doctor had to cancel because she got called in for two deliveries that day (I guess we will forgive her:). We are hopefully going to the doctor tomorrow for an update and will write with any recent developments. Our first sonogram won't be until the 29th of March but hopefully we will hear our little ones heart beat again!

Monday, March 7, 2011

14 Weeks!

My friend (also my co-worker) Jaclyn thought I finally looked like I was showing at work today so we had a little photo shoot! Baby bump or no baby bump...decide for yourselves :) This is me at 14 weeks and a few days.

Regardless of  my size. I am officially 14 weeks and some change! Baby K is about 3 1/2 inches long from top to bottom and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. By the end of this week, his/her arms will be proportionate to the rest of his/her body but oddly enough, the legs will take more time. Baby K has sweat glands and could possibly already be able squint, frown, grimace, pee and suck his/her thumb! I have been feeling so good this week (cross your fingers) and am starting to believe what I've heard about the second trimester..that it's the honeymoon trimester!

Patrick, friends and I went to the Renaissance Festival this coming soon.

Becca, Patrick & Baby K