Monday, February 21, 2011

Last Birthday Before Baby - Happy Birthday Dad-To-Be!!

We celebrated Patrick's 26th birthday this past week. It started when my parents came for a little visit, spoiling us with some fabulous dinners, and ended with a delivery of GIRL SCOUT COOKIES from Patrick's parents (thank you, thank you..was it Patrick's birthday or mine???)!

Our friends Megan and Lisa happened to be in town for a visit and we all got together with several of our AZ friends to continue the birthday celebration. It happened to be the one rainy weekend in Scottsdale in several months so we vetoed the pool party for a little bowling fun (pregnancy-friendly of course, complete with a child size ball) Turned out to be the perfect day!

In baby news...I have an OFFICIAL baby bump! It is small but definitely there. I have been feeling less and less sick every day and gaining more energy. Hallelujah for the approaching 2nd trimester! Cravings have been out of control this week: pizza and nacho cheese doritos..healthy, I know.

Stay tuned for more baby news!

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