Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 12: Baby K is the Size of a Plum!

Surprise! Patrick and I found out we were expecting right after Christmas 2010. And before you need to ask...yes, we were just married a little over 8 months ago. Married in '10, baby in '11..stay tuned to find out what might come next! :)

Baby K is due on September 2, 2011 and we could not feel more blessed. We cannot thank our family and friends (you!) enough for all of your support and kind words of encouragement that have helped us through these first couple of months.
At 11 weeks we were lucky enough to hear Baby K's very fast heartbeat. It was music to our ears! We will not have a sonogram until week 16 or later but so far all of the preliminary tests have come back normal and I have been having all of the typical symptoms of pregnancy. Nausea..nausea..nausea! When there is no nausea, there is Arbys, lots of Arbys. I (or should I say we) will welcome 2nd trimester with open arms (only 1 more week)!  Stay tuned for more Baby K news!

Becca, Patrick & Baby K

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