Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! We had fun introducing Mila to her first fireworks (last year we were at the lake in Iowa celebrating our anniversary). We had a BBQ with Mila's cousins on the 3rd, Ruby and Tyson, and a few friends. Mila liked the fireworks for the most part but was pretty distracted by the buffet :) A few of the big booms did startle her but I think it was just bed time by that point. All of the cousins are so cute together! They are starting to really interact and talk to each other, and steal each other's snacks and toys of course.

We spent the actual 4th at the pool and in our backyard enjoying beautiful weather.  Patrick and my brother, Patrick, built us this AMAZING play structure a couple weeks ago. Our backyard is the best. We spend a lot of time out here and this is the one of the best parts of our new house (and living back in Kansas in general). We are blessed.

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