Thursday, July 11, 2013

22 Months

 Mila is officially 22 months old! She will be 2 in less than 2 months..I'm in shock. She's so darn cute there are just too many things to remember about her at this age but here are some standouts:

  • Mila talks a ton! She is putting 3, 4, even 5 words together. It came so quickly! She went from "Mama," "Daddy," "Jayhawk," to..."Daddy drinking a beer," and "No like it."
  • Mila is really good with please and thank you. She says both words in context, unprompted....most of the time :)
  • Mila still LOVES the Wiggles. Probably listen to their CD 8+ times a day and dance around our living room. She also has a fondness for the Macarena. As if The Wiggles weren't annoying enough :) 

  • Mila loves to sing and dance. She will ask me to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Row Row Row your Boat over and over and she has started to sing along with me..too cute!
  • Mila is an eater. She LOVES food. Maybe more than the Wiggles.
  • She likes swimming, playing at the park, swinging, sidewalk chalk (draw a picture, draw a picture!) and watching movies is her new thing - I think she picked this up at daycare.
  • Mila is obsessed with her "dudes" as we lovingly call them (see below). We have fun setting them up for when she gets home and giving them all names of course. The other night we came home from a little swim play date and Patrick had set up an army of "dudes" for her. She was thrilled!

  • Mila loves people. She is quick to warm up to anyone and everyone and is getting better with kids her age (sharing and such - well, we take it day by day). Mila is spicy (as I always lovingly refer to her) but I wouldn't have it any other way! She keeps us on our toes but brings such joy and laughter to every day.
Here are some pictures from adventures lately.

We went to the St. John's Fiesta in June. Mila danced a lot. 
With Auntie 'Lessa'

Mila and Ansel..too cute 2 days apart

lunch date with good friends, Heidi & Uncle Erod
with Penny the puppy

Mila finally met baby Kaden (about 1 month old)

although her facial expression does not reflect it in this picture, Mila is obsessed with her "dancing bear" leotard. This used to be mine when I was little!

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