Sunday, June 16, 2013

Quick AZ Trip

Aunt Kylie and I took Mila to Phoenix last weekend! It was my first time travelling without Patrick so I was a little nervous. Kylie was a HUGE help and we had a great time - airport and all. The trip there was actually easy! The plane was not full, Mila had a seat to herself and did great watching cartoons, eating TONS of snacks and playing with her "dudes." We don't need to discuss the trip home in detail..I will just say we made it safe and sound (several tantrums and a diaper malfunction later). 

Finally arrived!  Some sun and relaxation (while Mila took a much needed nap)

First time in the pool this season!


We had so much fun playing in the fountains at Kierland! 

Jaclyn got to hang out with us the entire weekend! Mila loved her.

Lunch after fountains. Mila did not want to sit with us.

Butterfly Garden

We stumbled across another fountain the following day and Mila felt the need to run through with her dress on!  I wanted to as was 108 degrees the entire weekend!

Naked stroll

Spotting ducks

Thanks for an awesome trip Aunt Ky-Ky!

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