Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mila Lately

Here are some photos (in no particular order) of our adventures lately! LOVE summertime! 

Sweet Summertime

Starting out Mother's Day Weekend right...donuts

Followed by some Pac Man

Aunt Ky Ky visits!

Dinner on the patio..she's enjoying it, I swear!

Lola love

This was right before she decided she was scared of this horse. I don't  blame her


Aunt Lessa graduates from KU Law School! We watched her walk the hill and celebrated at her grad party that night! 

Summer nights at the Oread

Memorial Day - visiting Great-Great Grandparents

I don't know whose grave this is and yes, this is a little creepy. 

Mila had a Michael Jackson moment - she put on Patrick's golf glove and hat..backwards. Such style!

1 comment:

  1. Love EVERYTHING, but especially Mila's MJ moment. <3
