Thursday, February 7, 2013

17 Months

We are well on our way to a YEAR and a HALF.

Mila will be 17-months-old on Saturday! Her mind is exploding. I cannot believe how much she knows and can express already!  Here are some of the many things that have amazed me this month (and these things are probably only amazing to Patrick and I because, well, we just think everything she does is fabulous). 

1. Mila is starting to really love being read to. She has always loved flipping through books but has never been able to sit still long enough for us to read the whole story. She now sits on my lap and lets me read a book. She also has developed favorites and asks for me to read certain books over and over again. One of her all-time favorites is "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake." Like mother, like daughter :) We read this AT LEAST three times every night.

2. Mila knows practically all of her body parts. I guess she has for awhile now but the other night we asked her where her KNEES are (expecting her to be confused) and she pointed to them. Holy moly! 

3. Of course Mila cannot actually say her alphabet or "count to 3" but she has her own words for these things and uses them appropriately. Before she slides down her play slide she counts to three (her own version) and whenever she sees her alphabet books or puzzles shes says the alphabet (again, her own version). 

4. Mila signs "more" and "eat." The only two signs we ever really taught her. She can also say both words but let me tell you, the signs really help Patrick and I!  She is also starting to use the word "please" correctly. 

5. Mila can take her shoes on and off all by herself! She has been doing this one for awhile as well but it still amazes to me! We spend a lot of our play time with one shoe on and one shoe off ..see below. 

Mila amazes us every day! Her vocabulary and understanding continues to grow. She gives hugs and kisses, high fives and blows us kisses. She loves "playing house" with her stuffed animals (Lola is included in this category). She feeds them, puts them to bed and cuddles. Now when we introduce a new word, she almost always tries to pronounce it herself and usually gets pretty close! Favorite words this month: Poop, Sleep, Shoe & Meow (Mow). 

Loving this nice weather! We enjoyed two park dates on Wednesday, one with friends and one with Daddy! 

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