Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Operation Car Seat

As many of you already know, our Mila absolutely hates riding in her car seat. And when I say hate..I mean bloody murder, screaming her guts out HATE.  I struggle to even upload this photo of our little love bug bawling her eyes out but hey, it's a memory.. and one we will not soon forget i'm sure.  In an effort to help her enjoy riding in the car/stroller a little bit more, I have decided to take her on a ride in it at least once every day in hopes to familiarize her with the process a little more (maybe..hopefully ahh)! I'm basically desperate for something to work. We have tried extra padding in the car seat, toys, music, different positions and even tuning the car radio to AM static to provide that soothing "womb" sound new babies always seem to love....NOTHING WORKS. So my last resort is to try taking her out in it once every day (OPERATION CAR SEAT).  Sooo..if you live in the Lawrence area and are up for a visit from miss Mila and the dreaded seat..give me a buzz!

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