Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 Months

Cannot believe our "Baby K" is 2 months old!!! Actually as I'm writing this she is almost 10 weeks old (too busy to post lately). Mila is doing wonderful..she is smiling regularly, rolling over from tummy to back(when she feels like it :) and gaining head/neck strength every day. She is developing more and more of a personality all the time.  Also(fingers crossed), the colic seems to be subsiding a little bit. Although she is still not a fan of her car seat, she is starting to have less fussy time throughout the day (yay)! Her night sleep habits are up and down but I cannot complain too much. She almost always sleeps 4 or 5 hours and some nights even 6 or 7!

We struggled to get a good 2 month photo so here are some of here smiling at her dad..not the camera :)

Love her little dimple

Finally looking at the camera but no smiles :(

Sleepy Baby

Entranced with the television and her fingers in her mouth

Tummy Time!

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