Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mila Update - 10 & 11 Weeks

In car seat news..this happened (see video)! Woohoo!!! While this might seem silly to some, keep in mind our little Mila has never fallen asleep in "the seat" for more than 5 minutes or so and she used to never stay asleep beyond the car ride. Fingers crossed that her phobia is getting better!!!

Our baby girl is almost 3 months old! Cannot believe she is getting so BIG! We have had to pack up all of her newborn clothes and some of her 0-3 months clothes and she is almost outgrowing her size 1 diapers..holy moly! She is also officially sleeping in her own room! Totally nerve racking for mom but we moved her out of the cradle in our room and into her crib in her own nursery. Although her sleep patterns seem to change every night (ugh), she seems to sleep better in her own space. She visited the doctor last week and got her 2 month immunizations..again totally terrifying for mom but Mila was a rock star! She cried (obviously) but we were able to calm her down and get her home with no real problems. She did get a bit fussy the next two nights but nothing a little baby Tylenol couldn't fix. Poor girl! Here are some photos from the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!

All smiles for Aunt Kylie's 23rd Birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE!

Mila and her friend Ansel (born 3 days before Mila) 

Mila holding hands and looking a bit shell shocked with her BFF and cousin Winona (12 days younger)

Out to lunch with Grandma!

Superstar babysitters Stephanie & Whitney

Totally entranced by the television (Trust me we do not want to start bad habits but when I need to make dinner or jump in the shower....the TV works like a charm) 

Starting to grip objects better and LOVES sucking on her hands/fingers. She has also discovered her feet and stares at them quite frequently

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Operation Car Seat

As many of you already know, our Mila absolutely hates riding in her car seat. And when I say hate..I mean bloody murder, screaming her guts out HATE.  I struggle to even upload this photo of our little love bug bawling her eyes out but hey, it's a memory.. and one we will not soon forget i'm sure.  In an effort to help her enjoy riding in the car/stroller a little bit more, I have decided to take her on a ride in it at least once every day in hopes to familiarize her with the process a little more (maybe..hopefully ahh)! I'm basically desperate for something to work. We have tried extra padding in the car seat, toys, music, different positions and even tuning the car radio to AM static to provide that soothing "womb" sound new babies always seem to love....NOTHING WORKS. So my last resort is to try taking her out in it once every day (OPERATION CAR SEAT).  Sooo..if you live in the Lawrence area and are up for a visit from miss Mila and the dreaded seat..give me a buzz!

2 Months

Cannot believe our "Baby K" is 2 months old!!! Actually as I'm writing this she is almost 10 weeks old (too busy to post lately). Mila is doing wonderful..she is smiling regularly, rolling over from tummy to back(when she feels like it :) and gaining head/neck strength every day. She is developing more and more of a personality all the time.  Also(fingers crossed), the colic seems to be subsiding a little bit. Although she is still not a fan of her car seat, she is starting to have less fussy time throughout the day (yay)! Her night sleep habits are up and down but I cannot complain too much. She almost always sleeps 4 or 5 hours and some nights even 6 or 7!

We struggled to get a good 2 month photo so here are some of here smiling at her dad..not the camera :)

Love her little dimple

Finally looking at the camera but no smiles :(

Sleepy Baby

Entranced with the television and her fingers in her mouth

Tummy Time!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

All Smiles at 8 Weeks!

Happy Halloween!!

We didn't spring for a "real costume" for Mila this Halloween just because we figured she wouldn't really last too long in it anyways, but she did wear a very cute cow onesie for the occasion! Cannot wait for next Halloween when she will actually know what's going on!

Tuckered out
After our visit to the Pumpkin Patch