Thursday, October 13, 2011

Time Flies: Mila at ONE MONTH!

Miss Mila is one month old! It is crazy how much she has changed and developed in just one month. Her little personality is shining through more and more every day and she has become a very active baby! She loves kicking her legs and is already a pro at tummy time. Also, Mila is starting to coo for mom and dad and SMILE! We have seen lots of deliberate smiles which could be the most wonderful feeling on earth. Her 'happy' time is definitely in the morning and we are able to get her to smile and respond to us..SO CUTE!

Because I have not had a chance to post (let alone shower :) Here are Mila's stats from her 3 week check-up with Dr. Riordan. We feel like she has definitely grown since then so we will update soon .

Mila at 3 Weeks:
Height: 21 inches - 66th percentile
Weight: 8 lbs 9 ounces (our little porker..she gained 9 oz in 4 days)! - 47th percentile
Head Circ: 14.25 inches - 45th percentile

Mila is as healthy as can be although the doctor thinks she has a bit of Colic(ugh). She is a screamer for sure but we love her all the same and are holding out hope that Colic goes away on its own, usually by 3 months. Until then, we are trying to learn how to soothe her and keep her from crying as much as possible. She responds to the swaddle and the "shooshing" sound, so our noise machine has become our best friend (thanks, Grandma!!), and she loves bouncing around the living room. I have been able to fit in a workout every hour with her in my arms - I am hoping the baby weight will just come right off.

She may be a little pistol but Mila is doing just GREAT! Dad is back at work and I am enjoying being home with her and watching her change every day.

Snuggles with Daddy before work
Mommy Snuggles!

First visit with Grandma and Grandpa Koester
Mila with both sets of Grandparents..such a lucky girl!
First walk outside! She slept the whole time...this was before the Colic set in :)

Favorite expression
Bath Time! The first one didn't go over so well but now she loves them!

More to come soon!

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