Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy 6 Weeks!

Mila is six weeks old today! Here is a fun video of her rolling over from tummy to back for the first time! We actually caught it on camera and she did it twice in a row! Please disregard our silly comments in the background and the fact that she is only wearing one sock :)

Mila is becoming more and more engaged every day! She is turning into quite the babbler and is as active as ever. Also, we are seeing pretty regular smiles (makes me tear up every single time). She is able to follow objects with her eyes and is absolutely mesmerized by the ceiling fans in our apartment. I can actually fit in a shower most mornings by laying her on her back to watch the fan. We also tried out sitting for the first time!

 I can't complain too much about her sleep patterns. We take it night by night but on average, she is able to go about 5 hours between feedings (usually 9pm-2am) then back to 3 or 2 1/2 hours between. Not too shabby! - especially compared to every 2 or 2 1/2 hours round the clock like the first month. 

Our little 'burrito' - she LOVES the swaddle

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