Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet Baby Koester: Week 37!

Finally some face shots (sort of) of our sweet Baby K! He was still hiding behind his arms for a good portion of the ultrasound but we were able to see his face a little bit and we are in LOVE!  He was squirming and making all kinds of faces and getting into strange positions. He even had his foot up by his nose at one point!

The technician thinks he weighs around 6 lbs 7 oz (still in the 30th percentile for weight at the 37 week mark).  He has a small head for his size (phew), a normal sized torso and small legs. Also, still picking up lots of hair on the ultrasound! Everything looks normal and right on schedule for an early September due date. At my Monday appointment, the doctor confirmed that I am not dialated and baby has not "dropped" so it seems he might hold off for awhile at least! We will keep you posted!

He has Patrick's cheeks and nose!

Covering his sweet little eyes.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Full Term!

I've made it to 37 weeks and Baby K is officially considered FULL TERM (yay)!! His lungs are likely developed enough to function outside of the womb.  Don't get me wrong...we still have a over 3 weeks to go and lots to do!  Baby K is probably weighing in at a little over 6 pounds and is around 19 inches long (the size of a swiss chard?) - see below.  
Or a watermelon (I think I like this comparison better although I cannot imagine this fitting in my stomach).

We had our pre-admission appointment at the hospital this week which makes everything feel a little bit more real!! Also, my doctor's appointments are now scheduled once a week vs. every other week. So far everything has been great aside from the carpal tunnel in my hands as mentioned before. They are constantly swollen, throbbing and tingly (much worse at night when I am trying to sleep). I think it's nature's way of preparing me for a lack of sleep once Baby K arrives (I've gotten to know the 2am TV schedule far too well..ugh). The important thing is baby is doing great. His heartbeat is strong (usually in the 140s or 150s) and seems to be right on track growth-wise. He is also already in the head-down, birth-ready position yay!

In other news, Patrick and I have officially moved out and into our own apartment in Lawrence. Let the nesting begin! We still have so much to do but have made great strides getting things unpacked and continuing to set up the nursery. The apartment is definitely smaller than our condo in Scottsdale so we are having to get creative with space and storage. Hopefully we can get everything done in 3 weeks! Starting to panic just a little bit....

Molly, Pat, Ruby & Tyson moved out as well so I think my parent's are going through another round of empty nesting;) Here are some fun "roomie photos" from our summer at home.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

35 Weeks Pregnant and 114 Degrees in Kansas......

Let the almost one month  countdown begin..I am officially 35 weeks pregnant! Here is a photo of me from last week (my official 35 week mark was this past Friday). Starting to feel a little more "pregnant." Which could just be due to the extreme heat wave in the midwest this month. Holy 114 degrees plus humidity! I thought we moved from Phoenix to escape this?! My hands are so swollen I swear I haven't had feeling in my fingers for 7 days or longer. NO FUN. Other then some intense carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands and slightly swollen feet, symptoms still haven't been too too bad (knock on wood). I do have the pregancy waddle down pretty well though.

We don't have another doctor's appointment until later this week but Baby K should weight in at about 5 1/4 pounds this week and be around the size of a honeydew. Nursery pictures coming soon..still so much to do!!