Sunday, June 22, 2014

Colorado Etc.

We had a great time in Breckenridge this past week with my whole family!

Road trip! Mila did great on the 10 hr car trip (we split it up on the way there and drove the whole 10 hrs on the way home - she did awesome)!

Carousel at the Zoo with Aunty Ky

Feeding giraffes! 

Raspberry breakfast! Tyson was very excited.

Every morning they were so excited to wake up Aunty Ky-Ky

Colorado Springs

Family pic! 26 weeks pregnant with Baby K #2

The kids favorite activity was 'poking the snow.' WHATEVER WORKS

Lake behind the cabin. Beautiful

Mila, Ruby and Tyson rode on a toddler train all by themselves! 



We were very healthy

Gondola ride up the mountain

Gondola views

A day in Vail. So fun!

On a side parent award?!?:

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