Friday, September 13, 2013


Mila is TWO! We had a small party for her (just the fam) over Labor Day Weekend as I was out of town the weekend before her actual birthday (bachelorette party in New Orleans - so much fun but a big reminder that I am not 21 years old anymore:)! Anyways, we just pretended like Mila's birthday party day was her actual birthday and surprised her with a play kitchen that morning! See video below. She was thrilled!

Her party was really low key but great because she understood it was for HER! I made the mistake of thinking that making a 3-tier cake from scratch was an easy and fun idea (NO WAY NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN NOT EASY). I survived though and her princess cake turned out cute! FYI - we were really late in planning her birthday party and I had wanted to do a Wiggles cake. None of the grocery stores/bakeries in town could put together one because of copyright laws so we went with the princesses instead! I was a bit too late to order any Wiggles cake décor online. Awww well - she loves princesses too :)

 A little frosting preview


After Mila's party we had some friends over to celebrate Aunty Alessa's birthday!

Birthday Sugar Hangover.

Cannot believe our little darling is two. Mila is so incredibly cute at this age. She has quite the personality! She sings and dances and is always the most outgoing kid in the room. She loves playing dress up and imaginative play in general. Her favorite toys are her little Fischer Price "people" (her dudes). We bring some everywhere we go. She also loves books and movies! She has a new fascination with our DVD collection and always picks out daddy's movie (as she refers to it) "Step Brothers." We don't actually watch it together..she just likes looking at the case for some reason! As always, Mila loves food and her favorites at this age are probably peanut butter and jelly, scrambled eggs and all kinds of fruit!  In other potty training yet and Mila still sleeps with her darn pacifier but we will get there..right?!?


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