Monday, March 25, 2013


We asked Mila to sing for us yesterday and this is what she came up with! Too cute!

Here are some pics taken in the past couple of weeks!

Other than the KU game, this was our highlight yesterday. UGH. I'm pretty sure rubber ducky would have preferred a lukewarm bath. We are sick of this snow!!!!!

We have enjoyed a few nice days though.Here's a super awkward shot of Mila with Aunty Alessa...enjoying a park day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mila in Mommy's office!

Playing Pac Man at Grandma's house! Well sorta..mostly just pushing buttons of course.

Happy Monday, everyone! We are looking forward to a warmer week (weather-wise) and fun with friends and family this weekend for Easter. So excited for Mila to hunt for eggs! I think she will really be able to understand it this year. 

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