Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January Adventures!

Let me tell you it is HARD to entertain a very active and adventurous 16-month-old in the dead of winter. We were spoiled with a mild fall and daily park visits now..what to do,what to do?!

Mila LOVES jayhawks. I mean, c'mon, it was one of her first words! She's obsessed. We don't feel like she is quite ready for a KU Men's Bball game though so we went to a Women's game this past weekend and she did great! She was literally screaminig out "Jayhawk" the entire time and dancing (see below). So cute!

Like I said..OBSESSED.

Anyone been to the Natural History Museum lately? It is EXACTLY the same as I remember it from growing up. So weird to be back with Mila. She was obviously a bit too young to understand/fully enjoy but had fun running the halls and it was a FREE change of scenery from our house.

We also recently visited the Sea Life Aquarium in KC and I would definitely recommend it and "try again" but after 20 minutes and 2 tantrums we were ready to go home (not pictured :))

We have been eating out A LOT lately. It's been bad but Patrick and I both had the stomach flu on New Years (sooooo sick) and I am just now feeling back to normal/haven't felt like cooking. Look at our 'big girl' COLORING and not eating the crayons (for the most part).

Thanks, Whitney and Alessa for being lunch dates on several occasions.

 In other news: Mila likes baths again (go figure). We introduced bubbles and now that's all she talks about. She took me by the hand the other night and led me to the tub. Ohhh Mila, make up your mind! :)

Our 16-Month Old!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Merry Christmas..Happy New Year..It's Cold.

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!!! Patrick and I celebrated in Kansas this year but  his entire family made the trip to the midwest and, although we did not celebrate actual Christmas together, his parents and brothers were able to spend a bit of time with us, see our house and most importantly see miss Mila!

We spent the actual holiday at my parent's house....eating, drinking and laughing at the cousins and their cuteness (Mila, Ruby, Tyson, Geneva & Winona) and getting in good sister time of course (Kylie almost didn't make it from Denver due to the snow storm)! Here are some pics from the craziness (in absolutely no particular order)!

 Snow Bunny!!

Patrick and I were SO excited to "be Santa" for the first time and Mila was less than impressed (see video below). Hehe she loves all of her new toys now ( and trust me, she really raked it in) I think it was just a little more anticlimactic than we expected. 

 Minnie Mouse was a hit!

 Spicy Mila kept stealing Tyson's toys (although they were the exact same as hers for the most part). Women.....

 Several trips to the grocery store to make lots of goodies!

 A keeper.

 Milkshakes at Grandma and Grandpa's!


 Christmas Eve with the Hodges Fam

Attack of the Mila!

Mila with Grandma and Grandpa Koester during their very short but fun visit!

Jumping on the air mattress with cousins, Ava & Ethan! She ADORED them.