Thursday, September 13, 2012

Well...our baby girl is ONE. Can it be true?! Thank you, Mila for the best year of our lives! You have brought with you nothing but joy (well maybe a few sleepless nights but SO worth it). Mila, you are darling, inquisitive, as active as ever, talkative (in your own language of course), the funniest kid I know and our little snuggle bunny. Never ever ever could have imagined loving someone this much! It's an overwhelming kind of love that makes me WANT to change your diapers even the poopy ones) and rock you back to sleep at 3am. Happy birthday, baby girl. We love you!!

Here are some birthday party photos in NO particular order! It was a perfect day and perfect party. Thank you to everyone who came out! First birthday video coming soon (as soon as I can figure out how to download the darn's long)!

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