Thursday, May 3, 2012


Wow - sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Life is absolutey CRAZY busy with our incredibly mobile 7-month-old. She is all over the place and no matter how much we monitor her she always ends up by the cat food/eating the door stops/pulling the cat's tail/eating the tv remote controls/climbing her dresser drawers, etc. etc. etc. She is SO MUCH FUN but so exhausting : ) Also, Patrick and I are  hopefully-fingers crossed-buying our first home!!! We will keep you updated as things progress but we have found a beautiful house near Quail Run Elementary that we have placed an offer on. Hoping things fall into place!

Here are photos/vidoes of some of Mila's firsts this month! What fun our 7th month has been!

First time swinging! She loved it!!

First dip in the swimming pool! Again - she LOVED it!

And finally....first taste of a popsicle! She wanted this popsicle so bad and well..her face says it all:)

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