Friday, May 11, 2012

Mila's Baptism: 5.5.2012

Mila was baptized on Cinco de Mayo this past week and it was such a beautiful ceremony and fun celebration! We cannot thank our family and friends enough for making the day so special. Mila was showered with gifts and we all just had so much fun catching up with everyone! Mila is so truly blessed to have such an amazing support system.

Here are some pictures from the day! Many more to come :)

Mila was baptized at St. John's Catholic Church in a private ceremony with Father John. She was an ANGEL! No crying and she actually seemed to enjoy herself ?!? Her dress was a gift from Grandma Koester (thank you)!

Mila with Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad!

with Uncle Jonathan (God Parent), Dad & Grandpa Rowe

Mila with her devoted Aunties - Stephanie, Lauren, Whitney & Alessa

God Bless Mila!!!!

It's hard to snap a decent picture of Mila nowadays as she is always on the MOVE! Here she is plotting her next move and below, making the pig face!

with cousin Ruby!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Wow - sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Life is absolutey CRAZY busy with our incredibly mobile 7-month-old. She is all over the place and no matter how much we monitor her she always ends up by the cat food/eating the door stops/pulling the cat's tail/eating the tv remote controls/climbing her dresser drawers, etc. etc. etc. She is SO MUCH FUN but so exhausting : ) Also, Patrick and I are  hopefully-fingers crossed-buying our first home!!! We will keep you updated as things progress but we have found a beautiful house near Quail Run Elementary that we have placed an offer on. Hoping things fall into place!

Here are photos/vidoes of some of Mila's firsts this month! What fun our 7th month has been!

First time swinging! She loved it!!

First dip in the swimming pool! Again - she LOVED it!

And finally....first taste of a popsicle! She wanted this popsicle so bad and well..her face says it all:)