Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Monday!

These pictures are a little dark but nothing can describe the feeling of waking up to this little darling every morning! She is always so happy and excited to see Patrick and I. Happy Monday everyone (and if you are wondering why I'm in such a good mood it's because Mila slept until 7:10 am this morning). I have been dreaming of the 7's for a long time now and they finally came!

Friday, April 6, 2012

6 Month Updates and More!

ROCK CHALK!!!! Mila's first FINAL FOUR!

Mila had her 6 month appointment ( a little late) and all is well!

Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz; 27th percentile
Height: 25.5 inches; 28th percentile
Head Circ: 16.5 inches; 25th percentile

This month has definitely brought about the most changes in our little Mila. She started crawling and hasn't looked back since - the other morning I walked into her standing against the railing in her crib (OH MY)! Patrick and I have been scrambling to make our little apartment baby-friendly. It's amazing what she gets into - the other morning I loaded laundry and before I could count to 5 she had found the cat food!!! She is a wild woman! Her personality develops more and more every day and I'm already nervous for her teen years. She is a firecracker. Mila LOVES food and we haven't found much that she doesn't like - pears, spinach & avocado are some least favorites. She likes peas (surprisingly), sweet potato, squash, banana and blueberry. Mila loves making new sounds - "mamamama," and "bababababa," and even screams and growls! I swear a new sound comes out of that girl every day! Here are some fun videos/photos from the past couple of weeks. 

We brought Mila to Johnny's West for a little pre-game (and pre-bedtime) cheering!!

NO NAPS: too excited about the KU game!

Hazy shot with the girls!: Auntie Whitney & Auntie Mary

Mila loves to..ummm...GROWL :)


All dressed up for cousin, Ruby's birthday party!!

Enjoying 80 degree weather!!