Wednesday, February 1, 2012

4-Month Checkup

Mila finally had her 4-month check-up at the doctor's office. Her immunizations were painful (for both mom and baby) but she was a brave little girl! As expected she had a fever for about 24 hrs. but after a little baby tylenol and a lonnng night, she was fine! Here are her stats:

Height: 25 inches (63rd percentile)
Weight: 12 pounds, 13 ounces (19th percentile)
Head Circ: 15.75 inches (13th percentile)

As you can see her percentiles are a little bit across the board but I personally believe that percentiles were invented to scare parents :) She is doing beautifully though and was even laughing and playing with Dr. Riordan!

This month we started Mila on rice cereal! She is taking to it so well we have already doubled the serving size and are now giving it to her both in the afternoon and in the evening. We will be starting veggies soon! Mila is laughing more, rolling all over the place and is gaining more of a personality every day! She is super alert (as she has always been) and loves new faces and just looking around and taking things in. We have been having fun taking her OUT now that she tolerates her car seat and has a more predictable schedule.

4 1/2 Month Beauty!

Nom Nom Nom - Rice Cereal! More on her face than in her mouth! Cannot wait for the "peas" picture!

All laughs with Lisa! They share a bday - 9/9

Mila finally starting to notice Lola (she doesn' t move around much so she's not super eye-catching:)

Mila at sleep at work with Mom! Yes - I have gone back to work and yes - Mila is working with me and YES - I am EXHAUSTED but it is totally worth it!!

Pretty new outfit from Aunty Alessa!

Smiles! Where did she get those dimples??!!

Mila has discovered her feet and they are always in her mouth..yum :)

Watching the KU game with Dad!

Mila's play date with Ruby Mae! Ruby was born on 9/10/11 at the same hospital. Her mom went to Lawrence High School with me! It was fun to see a baby almost exactly the same age as Mila. Ruby is 14 pounds but about the same length as Mila.

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