Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 4-Months, Mila!

Mila is 4-months old today! My how time flies (I know, I know, I say that every month). I think we saw the most change in our little lady during her 4th month. She is finally starting to turn away from the "colic" phase and is becoming a happier baby! Her personality is also starting to shine through more and more each day - Patrick and I are having so much fun! Mila is now rolling from tummy to back AND back to tummy. Gone are the days of leaving her in a safe place while I finish some laundry or take a shower - there are no longer "safe" places for our mobile little 4 monther and I know it will continue to get harder. Yikes! Also, while Mila belly laughs are still few and far between, they do exist and every time I hear one..I cry!

Out to Sunday brunch with Mom & Dad

Look at that dimple!

Beautiful baby blues

Enjoying the 60 degree weather in January and her new BOB stroller!!

EVERYTHING Mila touches goes into her mouth.

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