Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun Videos!

One of Mila's first tummy to back rolls (not a great video but isn't she cute ?! :)

First giggles! Such a happy baby!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 4-Months, Mila!

Mila is 4-months old today! My how time flies (I know, I know, I say that every month). I think we saw the most change in our little lady during her 4th month. She is finally starting to turn away from the "colic" phase and is becoming a happier baby! Her personality is also starting to shine through more and more each day - Patrick and I are having so much fun! Mila is now rolling from tummy to back AND back to tummy. Gone are the days of leaving her in a safe place while I finish some laundry or take a shower - there are no longer "safe" places for our mobile little 4 monther and I know it will continue to get harder. Yikes! Also, while Mila belly laughs are still few and far between, they do exist and every time I hear one..I cry!

Out to Sunday brunch with Mom & Dad

Look at that dimple!

Beautiful baby blues

Enjoying the 60 degree weather in January and her new BOB stroller!!

EVERYTHING Mila touches goes into her mouth.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baby's First Christmas

Well we made the long anticipated trip to Florida for Mila's first Christmas and everything from the plane rides to the car rides to sleeping in a new place went off without a hitch! Mila was much so that we have started lovingly referring to her as Floridian Mila when she is in a good mood. She was a joy and seemed to like Florida better than Kansas! Is it possible for a 4-month old to have Seasonal Affective Disorder? I was dreading the first plane ride and it was so easy! The worst thing that happened (which was actually more funny than bad) was when Mila had a blow out poop right before the fasten seat belt sign illuminated for about 45 minutes. Our fellow passengers had to deal with the smell but at least she was happy and quiet :) As we were deplaning, a flight attendant even asked me what my secret was for such a joyful traveler (HA)!

Here are some pictures from our trip. It was a blast and the temperature was in the 90s all week! Also, Mila conquered several of her "firsts" - first plane ride, first long car ride (2 hours - she only cried for about 30-40 minutes :) ), first Christmas, first church visit (she slept :) and we heard some of her first belly laughs! Such a wonderful sound!

Mila with her crazy Koester uncles and Grandpa Koester

The Koesters!

Mila with Grandma Koester

We gave up trying to get a "non-crying" picture and actually  LOVE this one . It captures the moment :)   This is Mila after her first church visit in her Christmas dress and tights.

The entire Koester family on Christmas Eve

Mila looking pissed, annoyed, confused? I promise she really was happy the entire trip just not a good picture taker apparently?!

Our little family on Christmas Eve

Mila with her cousin Ethan. He was so cute with her!

Mila and Grandma Koester; Christmas Eve

The Koesters have a great Christmas Eve Tradition that involves the telling of the Christmas story (Christmas Creche) and singing Christmas carols. Mila LOVED this part of the evening. The singing made her laugh and smile. 

Mila during the Koester Christmas Creche

Our Floridian Mila!

Here is the first of many "car seat pictures." The first time she smiled at me in her car seat (in Florida) I started crying. Seriously. Tears of joy streamed down my face. Our little Mila is growing up and starting to hate her car seat less and less! Yippee!!!

Yawns in church :) 

Christmas night at a family friend's house in Tampa, Florida. 

Mila in her Christmas Eve best!

First time her little toes felt grass!

First plane ride.  Such a good baby (these are smiles of relief).

Our Christmas tree in Kansas.