Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introducing Mila Elise Koester

We are the PROUD parents of a beautiful baby GIRL!!! So excited to introduce the love of our lives..Miss Mila Elise Koester. She finally entered the world on Friday, September 9th at 9:19 pm weighing a perfect 7lbs 8oz and measuring 20 & 3/4 inches long. LOVE LOVE LOVE!  This is one of my favorite first pictures of her. It definitely displays how alert she was just minutes after birth. The nurses had to give her a bit of oxygen and everyone was cracking up in our delivery room because she reached up her little hand and held the oxygen mask to her own face! This was just a preview of what was to come..every day Mila grows more and more alert and we continue to be amazed by new skills, movements, sounds and facial expressions. She is definitely gaining a personality of her own..and a very feisty one at that :)

Labor was long and hard but so worth it. I was induced at 11:30pm on the 8th and after 22 hours Mila finally decided to grace us with her presence and much to MY surprise..he is a she!! Patrick definitely called it. He has been convinced from day one that our little one is a girl.  We couldn't be more happy with our experience at LMH. Everyone we met took such great care of us - all of the nurses, doctors and other staff members. We were discharged from the hospital on Sunday the 11th with the great news that we have a healthy, happy daughter. Aside from some fussiness and feeding issues, she is perfect and already weighing in at 8 lbs!

She's here, she's here!!
These past two weeks Patrick and I have been trying to settle into a routine, get SOME sleep (4 hours   is considered a good night at this point and this is total..not consecutive) but mostly just enjoying every minute of our new lives as mom and dad. Patrick was able to take one full week off work and come to all of Mila's first doctors appointments, etc. It was wonderful to have him home for a few days and gave our new family a chance to bond. Mila has been spoiled rotten with new outfits, accessories, books, toys and well wishes. We could not have survived without our wonderful family and friends and a huge thank you to everyone who made us food our first week home from the hospital. We would have been living off of frozen pizza and Arbys if not for you.  Here are some favorite photos from Mila's first two weeks of life! She is such a joy.
Last pregnancy photo..yay!
She's here!!! First mother daughter photo
Proud father
Love bug
Grandma and Grandpa Fritzel! - Grandparents for the 3rd time in 3 years!
Our waiting room cheerleaders!!! Two sets of great-grandparents, grandparents and Auntie Kylie

Winking & smiling! So happy to be home from the hospital

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Almost There

14 Weeks and I THOUGHT I was really starting to show :)

20 Weeks Pregnant

40 Weeks and 1 Day - SO READY to finally meet Baby K

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello, Due Date....Goodbye, Due Date!

Due date has come and gone and Baby K is still hanging in there! Officially 3 days overdue and although labor on Labor Day would have been seems as though he's going to stay nice and cozy inside of me for a little bit longer. If labor does not happen naturally this week, Patrick and I will be admitted to the hospital on Thursday the 8th at 7:30pm to be induced! Although I've always wanted to go into labor naturally, the doctor thinks this is the smartest/safest decision. Sooo I have been walking every day, eating lots of spicy foods and pineapple in the hopes that Baby K will make an appearance sooner rather than later.

But, if not before, we will meet Baby K on the 8th or 9th of September - let the countdown begin! We are so excited to finally see our little boy OR girl that we have loved so much these past 9 months.

40 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant!

Just the girls at Tyson's Baptism!