Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ultrasound: 31 Weeks

We had our 31 week ultrasound today and were so happy to see for ourselves that Baby K is doing wonderful! Unfortunately, he was a little camera shy. See foot below (Our ONLY photo) but so happy to see that he has 5 beautiful toes!

All he wanted to do was kick the camera, which is exactly what he's been doing to my belly for the past 2 months. We have definitely been blessed with an active little guy. He is in the birth-ready position though (head down/butt up) and our technician was surprised to see that he already has a very thick head of hair. She even asked if Patrick or I have Hispanic origins HA! Although she couldn't get a great photo op, the technician was able to take all of the necessary measurements and Baby K has checked out great! His heart looks wonderful (heart beat was 159 beats per minute this week) and he is probably around 3 lbs 9 oz which is actually only in the 20th percentile but our doctor is not worried. She might call for another ultrasound in 4 weeks just to make sure he's growing but for now, she's happy. They pushed my due date back even further to September 8th. I am really hoping for a 9/10/11 birthday!

That's all for now...Baby K is healthy and HAIRY and does not like being photographed. Oh well..he or she will truly be a surprise!!

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