Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Tyson Rand Fritzel!

My sister-in-law and brother welcomed their second child, Tyson Rand Fritzel, into the world today! So excited for the entire family and already in LOVE with this adorable baby boy. Welcome to the world, Tyson! Cannot wait to hold you in our arms in May. Congrats to the proud Mom and Dad (Pat and Molly). We love you and wish we could be there to celebrate!!!
Although my brother definitely did his fair share of scaring me during Tyson's birth by texting me about all of the blood and screaming during Molly's labor (teasing of course), having a new nephew has made us even more excited for Baby K to arrive. The 20 week mark came and passed on Friday so I am officially halfway through my pregnancy..yay! I also think I finally "popped." People are starting to notice my baby bump and I had to retire several work outfits this week. Dresses are too short and pants DO NOT fit. Thank goodness for TJ Maxx.  It is crazy how I changed literally overnight. I think I even startled Patrick.  Here is a photo of me at 20 weeks! Feeling really good - I have still been able to work out several times per week and no bad heartburn or any other symptoms as of yet (fingers crossed). Looking forward to my sister's visit this coming week and LA!! 

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