Saturday, April 26, 2014


Hello! We are still here! Apologies for not posting sooner and I promise to have a "real" post up soon. It's been a very busy winter/spring and with a new baby on board (due September 28th!) life has really gotten crazy. Like I said, I promise to write some real updates soon but for now....a PHOTO DUMP of our 2 1/2 year old who is so full of life. 

The snow. It was fun for awhile..glad it's over (currently knocking wood)

hibernation at its finest

Mila's robe. I die

fun with friends! First "bus" ride

My best friends..Woody & Jesse

a budding artist!

A budding...chef? 

first movie in the theaters - Frozen. Deers in headlights :) 

A visit to the dentist. She was an angel!

Spring flowers and March Madness!

St Patrick's Day!

First time mom let me eat at the Pizza Hut in Target (this was quite the special day let me tell you).

Cousins! We love new baby Jack

Pre-Jayhawk loss

Post Jayhawk loss (they obviously didn't care)

Mila with other "cousin" Max from Des Moines

Frozen + Pizza + Robe - life is good

Deanna Rose with cousins from Omaha!

dyeing Easter eggs

ready to go for the Easter Bunny

going through Easter basket 

ready for the big hunt at Great Grandma Fritzels!

going through their eggs

Happy Easter from the three musketeers!