Thursday, April 25, 2013

Singer OR Chef?

Mila is singing all the time nowadays (in her own language of course)! Never a quiet moment in the Koester household. Here is a video of Mila at the dinner table last night...just singing away to herself!

In addition to her love of music and singing, Mila has developed an obsession with my cookbooks. I do love looking through cookbooks myself so I understand the appeal, but last night, Mila's bed time story was Betty Crocker Cupcakes. REALLY?!

Here are some pictures from our adventures lately! 

We visited the good ole Topeka Zoo. I just love this picture of Mila holding hands with Patrick. Such a big girl! 

Mila and her "dudes"

Enjoying Tyson's 2nd Birthday Party! 


Mila was on the verge of a meltdown in HyVee (hence the pacifier) until we remembered the kid's pony  in the lobby up front. She loved riding this pony. Look at her form! 

Enjoying  a sunny day! They have been rare!

Lola LOVE! 

Aunty LOVE! At Megan and Wes' Engagement Luau.

Reunited with her Aunty Megan

Throwback Thursday

Mila 7 Months
Mila 19 Months