Friday, November 9, 2012

14 Months!

Happy Friday from our little bathing beauty! Also, happy 14 months! Holy moly time flies. Mila is darling and learning so much every day. She now knows how to say: Daddy (dada), Jayhawk, Bye, Bubbles, Boo-boo (I got a paper cut and she was curious about my band-aid) and Apple! She is also learning how to eat with utensils all by herself. See below.

 So...we are not quite there yet but she's getting close!:)


Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween! Love, Mila the Unicorn

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!  I cannot wait until Mila is older and actually understands trick-or-treating although, I must say it was pretty fun to dress her up in what I wanted her to be :).. A UNICORN!  We spent the evening on Mass Street parading around. It was a ZOO but Mila did great! I even gave her a few m&m's and she was hooked. I think we spent the rest of the evening trying to distract her from the chocolate. She might look more like her father's daughter but she is all me when it comes to sugar.

Mila LOVES her Uni-Aunties! Such troopers they were :) THANK YOU for celebrating with us!

We had to bribe Mila to wear her costume with a bottle. 
The bribe worked like a charm!

Patrick was getting over the flu so he only celebrated with us for a little!

I went picture crazy this Halloween with a little help from Whitney so more pics coming soon!!!!