Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mila's One Year Photo Shoot!

My friend, Whitney, and her sister, Shannon started a photography business. They are AWESOME! See below some of our favorites but there are honestly too many to choose from. They are all great! We were not planning on "family photos," but I did jump in a few - Patrick is not pictured but he was there cheering us on :)




Pumpkin Patch!

Here are some photos from a fun day in downtown Lawrence and then..the pumpkin patch! 75 degrees in mid-October? Such a great day to be out and about! Mila loved seeing the pumpkins but mostly enjoyed people-watching the 5 million other familys who visited the pumpkin patch today. It was so windy we managed to take some photos but only a few keepers :)

After lunch! Mila is sitting, smiling and looking at the camera - a keeper!

Watching the..pumpkin slingshot?



Pumpkin Patch Trip 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mila's Words

The title of this post should actually be, Mila's WORD. Nowadays, everything in the Koester household is a Jayhawk. EVERYTHING. Here is a video of her using it appropriately.


Happy, fall everyone!!! Loving these cool nights on our patio :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

13 Months Old!

Check out our beautiful little 13 monther! Cannot believe it is already almost Halloween but we are LOVING the fall weather! Really missed this time of year while living in the Phoenix. Also, with Patrick's new job, we have enjoyed having our family time back over the weekends and, of course, have been staying busy!  This past weekend we took Mila on the Kaw Valley Farm Tour and next weekend...Pumpkin Patch! Patrick and I also snuck in a getaway (just us two) to see his brothers in Iowa and partake in some Oktoberfest fun!
Patrick and I in Des Moines!

Cannot believe Mila is 13 Months! She now can say mama, dada, jayhawk, bye-bye and duck :) We taught her 'duck' during the farm tour! She really does say jayhawk for those disbelievers out there and she is actually starting to call EVERYTHING a jayhawk which her father is encouraging.......

At Screamin' Oaks Farm! Named this because of the noisy peacocks that run freely on the farm.

Can I take him home?!?

We saw BIG pigs but Mila was really just interested in the tractors