Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Home!

Finally some house pictures! It is coming along :)

Us looking nasty on moving day but YAY!

Family Room!

Kitchen! We updated with granite and a new sink but not much else...appliances came with house

View from kitchen into family room

Dining room (it never looks like this and probably won't very often..we just had family over for my mom's birthday hence the flowers and place mats :)

Living room! Have not done much in here yet

Another view of the family room! Work in progress..

Guest bathroom downstairs (and Lola doing what she does best..eating)

Bathroom upstairs - Mila's BLUE bathroom 

Master Bedroom (new paint and furniture)!

Master bath..new tile floor, paint and granite. 

Fourth bedroom which is also a work in progress! Eventually I picture this a playroom for Mila but for now, its the guest room.

Pictures of Mila's room coming soon - she is sleeping right now AND Patrick's dad is coming today to paint a fun mural on her wall!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

11 Months!

Happy 11 Months (well a couple days ago) to my sweet baby girl!
Mila has SIX teeth!!!

She poses for pictures (well..sorta :)

She loves the park and playing outside in general!

She still thinks EVERYTHING is food.

And..she is walking all over the place!

P.S. - prefers to be naked incase you can't tell from the previous photos.
Cheers to 11 Months, Mila! Cannot believe we will have a one year old soon! Promise to post pictures of our new house soon!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Patrick, Mila and I squeezed in a last minute trip to Omaha before our big move! We braved the heat to visit the famous Omaha Zoo and then enjoyed a night with Patrick's Grandpa and sister and the entire Rowe family. Such fun and Mila did great in the car!
Visiting with Grandpa!

Mila LOOOVED her cousin Logan (Patrick's sister's youngest son). She could not stop hugging him. It was adorable!

The infamous toy tool box that has been passed down to all of the 'Rowe family' babies to play with. Obviously Mila enjoyed herself.

Omaha Zoo=amazing! I cannot wait to go back when the temperature is under 100 degrees.

Could. Not. Resist.

Mila knows how to wave and she waves at everyone and everything..all the time. So cute!


See?! Waving :)

The aquarium is amazing!

Mila with her cousins, Claire and Elizabeth!

With cousin, Claire!

In other news..I think I can call it now..Mila is walking! Ten months old!!