Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's Moving Time!

We officially close on our house this Friday! It has been a long process but so excited it is finally here! We probably won't be officially moved until the next two weeks or so but we are starting to pack things up and get organized! Let me tell you - I thought this process was hard at nine months pregnant...HA. This process is near impossible with an incredibly active and almost walking (took 5 STEPS yesterday) 10-month old. Tired.

Here is Mila "helping" us pack:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ten Months Old!

Happy Ten Months Mila!

In true "ten month birthday mode," Mila took THREE consecutive steps today and stood up, bent over to pick something up off the floor and continued standing all by herself!!! Get ready people we might have a walker on our hands very soon!

Mila being a little scandalous in Walmart. She rode like this throughout the entire store!

Out for Sunday Brunch!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th! The shirts were a joke :) We went to a lake party in Iowa for the day/night. My first night away from baby!
While Mom and Dad are away...Mila will play. Grandma and Aunt Kylie took Mila to Target and look what she went for?!

I want a Barbie!!!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bad. Blogger.

Okay so I'll admit it...I am a BAD BAD BAD BAD BLOGGER and I got called out! Yikes! I have to confess though...I'm pretty flattered that my family and friends actually follow this! I thought I was writing to a very small audience (hi Mom, hi Grandma). So thank you to each and every one of you who check up on us and I promise I will work on updating more often. Especially because my lovely sister and Mila's Godmother is moving to Denver in a month (ah!).  I'm going to shoot for weekly updates but because we are in the midst of purchasing a home and it is the busiest time of the year for my work....I am not making any promises :)

Koester Updates:

  • We are almost homeowners and are so excited! Pictures and updates coming soon :) We close July 20th and will be moving sometime in August.
  • Mila has teeth - two on bottom and four..yes FOUR coming in all at once on the top. Holy teething. 
  • I am back to work pretty much full time. I. Am. Exhausted.
  • Mila has been in part-time daycare for a little over a month with a home daycare down the road from us. It is very hard but we are lucky to have found Mary, lucky she is close and lucky that Mila is finally starting to love it!
  • Mila hasn't stopped moving since my last blog post (that was over two months ago in case you haven't noticed). Literally - she has not stopped moving.
  • Baby is 19.1 lbs! 
  • Patrick and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on the 3rd! 
  • I take Mila to swim lessons with a group of 6 other mommies/babies. We have a private instructor and use my parent's swimming pool - SO FUN
  • Mila has taken several "real" steps and I think I can write down her official first words in her baby book as "ba ba" (bye-bye). She just started saying it (at the right times) this week and it's adorable! She has definitely found her voice and is constantly babbling.
  • Patrick and I just returned from our first overnight trip without baby. Mila got to stay home and have fun with Grandma (THANK YOU) and we spent a glorious day at the lake in Iowa with old friends. We missed her so much but it was nice to get away.
  • Mila...
    • Waves goodbye and hello
    • LOVES the kitty and even has a name for her that sounds something like "akoooooo" 
    • Likes the swimming pool and the bath! 
    • Eats everything in sight (literally - our daycare lady said she is the first baby in 25 years who tried to eat her leather sofa (oops)!
    • Drinks from a bottle and a sippy cup
    • Has tried too many foods to list and is a pro at finger foods! 
Overall, life is good and Mila is at such a fun age we don't want to miss a second with her. Sometimes I just cannot believe what a big, beautiful, bright and happy girl she has become. We are truly blessed. Here are some recent pictures. Videos to come SOON (I promise). 

Fun with a box!

Fun with a bass!

Too much fun

Grandma and Grandpa Koester visited from Florida!

Strolling downtown Lawrence! She talks with her hands..to everyone in sight!

Oh ya know..just lounging.

Mila wants to do everything herself including feed herself with the spoon. It gets very messy.

New favorite game - sticking out the tongue!

Bathing beauty in her pool float!